Friday, December 11, 2009

Our Little Punkin is 5 months!

What are you up to these days? Well, probably about 15 lbs (that's a guess) and for sure 2 feet! ; )
You love your bath, you love to splash with your feet.
You rolled over the other day...
You are very curious, you like to watch people and things very intently.
You have the most wonderful laugh. Mommy likes to make you giggle.
You are ticklish.
You like having your feet rubbed.
You are starting to grab for toys.
You hold your head up well, but are still working on upper body control.
You still love to sleep on your daddy's chest.
You are still wearing size 2 diapers.
You have grown out of 3month clothes, and 3/6 month stuff fits you well.
And best of all, you regularly sleep through the night now. (Thank you!!!)

We love you McKinley. You are our best blessing of all...


Anonymous said...

We love you too McKinley! papa & grandma

Anonymous said...

she is just about the sweetest little girl in the whole wide world...she comes from excellent stock!!! 11 more days and we'll be there to give you all lots of hugs and snuggles!!!!

Love you three
Nana and Papa Norm

Melissa said...

Precious picture!