Thursday, September 29, 2011

Summer as usual

So for the two of you who check on us... sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I just isn't something I spend time on any more. I'm guessing once winter comes and we are stuck indoors again, you'll hear from me a little more often. : )

Our summer has been "summer as usual". We played in the park, took some walks, went to the zoo, went camping, took our first long road trip to Lake Tahoe, and went to the beach. In these parts, summer didn't really hit until the end of July... so we've packed a lot into just a few weeks.

So here are a few pictures of our adventures:

Enjoying a roasted marshmallow (or painting with it, I'm not sure) and cooking with Mama:

Our trip to the beach... a spontaneous adventure that was a blast! McKinley loved the sand, the sea and the creatures we saw.

Camping/Hiking at Silver Falls... wore one of us out! This was a fun trip with the whole extended Hamm/Rohrback family. We wanted to fit two camping trips in, but just flat ran out of time. McKinley had a ball with her cousins.

Daddy and daughter, I think reading before bed:

Enjoying a chocolate cupcake at the park for a friends birthday:

Our trip to Lake Tahoe to see Jeff's grandmother. McKinley had a great time at the pool (of course, I never took my camera) and playing with the stuffed kitten Norma bought for her. It was good to see the gang.

Learning to pose for the camera from cousin Paige... I think she's got it down!

It has been a great summer, but I have to admit... the leaves are turning, and the morning air is crisp and it is really making me excited about Autumn. I love, love, love this time of year!

I am helping at preschool again this year, and have missed it a little over the summer. McKinley gets to hang out with Grandma on Tuesdays while I am gone and they both love it! Other than that, not much else to report...

Hope you are well and that God is blessing you abundantly.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where did 2 years go?

How on earth did I go from this:

to this?:

It seems impossible that two years has gone by since we had the surprise of our lives on that wonderful Saturday afternoon. I can honestly say I have never cherished someone so much. Our daughter is amazing... she's delightful... she's fun... she has such personality! And each day is even better than the last. Thank you God for this wonderful addition to our family!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Here we are

So once again it's been weeks and weeks since I've posted anything... but who is surprised at that? ; ) Life is happening fast and nothing noteworthy is going on... all at the same time!

May is always a busy month for us with a thousand family birthdays and mothers day too. So before we know it, we're half way through June and the summer is almost over! McKinley will be two next month and my mind just can't quite grasp that. She has grown so much... it seems like just last week we brought her home.

It's been "warm" here finally... this was our hottest day, and our new favorite "outfit"... I couldn't keep clothes on her!

One of our most favorite things right now is the zoo. We talk all day long about "elephants chewing" and "polar bears splashing" and "monkeys swinging" and "hippopotamus go in 'da water". This was lunch time on a recent trip to the zoo. Needless to say, we are now members! ; )

We recently completed our garden project and McKinley loves, loves, LOVES to play in the dirt and water the garden with her special elephant watering can. In fact, most of the time she will pick "outside time" over "bubba time". That is pretty significant in our world! (For those of you who don't know, the bubba is her pacifier and is probably the next most important thing in her world next to breathing.) Apparently this day she got to do both... note the sheer euphoria on her face. : )

Here's what McKinley is up to:

She talks in sentences of 3 and 4 words... sometimes she'll shock us with a longer one.
She's still around 25 lbs or so...
She can climb into about any chair by herself.
She loves Barney movies and will sit entranced for most of an hour watching one.
She loves to color and draw... and will scribble on any piece of paper she can get her hands on.
She loves to sing and dance.
Her hair is getting long and can almost be put in a ponytail, but usually just hangs in her eyes because mommy has gotten tired of the "pebbles" look.
She loves her family and names everyone in the family (and I mean everyone) most days and at most meals. It is often followed with "hold you".... for example: "Uncle David, hold you"... which means she wants Uncle David to hold her.
She loves to call people and say Hi on the phone.
she loves to play peek a boo and runs around saying "There she is!"
She likes to hide in the dark.
She often wakes up in the morning calling "Mommy/Daddy... where are you?"
She is pretty good at using please and thank you. We're still working on excuse me.

I could probably go on and on... but I'll save that for another post. McKinley is a blessing and we thank God for her every day. She is a treasure and gives us lots of laughs and entertainment!

So life is good in the Hamm household. We praise God for the blessings that he showers on us daily. We are thankful for Jeff's job that provides for us in a way that allows me to be home with McKinley and watch her grow into the wonderful woman I know she'll be someday (despite my best efforts!).

Thanks for following our lives. Thanks for loving us. We hope that God is working in your lives too.

I won't promise that my posts will be more frequent... with summer coming it might just get worse! But please check back again... we're still here!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Another Adventure

Jeff took a few days off last week and for my birthday we went to the Portland Children's Museum. It was a lot of fun! And I think McKinley enjoyed it too! Ha! : )

McKinley and I and Curious George!

Driving a TriMet Bus:

Driving an ambulance:



Grocery shopping:

With daddy:

Digging... very serious about digging.

Sweet Dresses

I need to have taken pictures of McKinley for the last three or four Sundays... she has so many sweet dresses and she makes them look so cute! These are the last two weeks anyway... her two Easter dresses!

In no particular order...

Just a few random shots from the last few weeks... A look into our day to day life. Thank you Lord for the blessing of our little family!


We took advantage of a sunny Friday a few weeks ago and went to a (relatively) local tulip festival with some friends. It was a beautiful day and the picnic on the grass alone was worth the drive. McKinley also became attached to a borrowed pair of ladybug mudboots...