Friday, October 23, 2009


McKinley slept through the night!!! It was divine... no, heavenly... to get 8 hours of sleep. I did wake up a few times, briefly thinking to myself that she should be waking up soon... but then immediately fell back to sleep. (Apparently Jeff (the responsible parent) woke up a few times and went and checked on her... I think she had him a little worried.) She finally woke up at 6 am (after having gone to sleep at 9:30 the night before) happy and smiling! What a sweet, sweet girl. I could do that every night! ; ) Thank you McKinley!!!

Of course I've learned my lesson about expecting great things like this to repeat themselves. I'm sure it'll still be awhile before she sleeps through the night consistently... but I'll enjoy these little treats when they come. Oh yes I will. (Not that getting up at 2 am has been bad. After all... then I get to watch my favorite shows... Three's Company (from 1am to 2am) and M*A*S*H (from 2am to 3am). Yep. I'm a 70's sitcom junkie. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melissa -- I'm so happ you got a good nights sleep!