Monday, June 15, 2009

This post is rated PG13

So I've been cleaning out my inbox at work, and this is something that was emailed to me a few years ago. I've kept it all this time and watched it every few months just for kicks. I laugh out loud every time I see it... it never gets old. But before you clik on this link, please be warned... there is a bad word. (The three letter alternative for a donkey). : ) I do find it to be fairly innocent, and just had to share.

Out of the mouths of babes!

1 comment:

gabesmama906 said...

I am offended. Highly offended. :-) J/K I laughed out loud, too. BTW, your pregnant belly is extremely cute! Please tell me no one has ACTUALLY said those things (from the post below) to you??? Love ya!