Our summer has been "summer as usual". We played in the park, took some walks, went to the zoo, went camping, took our first long road trip to Lake Tahoe, and went to the beach. In these parts, summer didn't really hit until the end of July... so we've packed a lot into just a few weeks.
So here are a few pictures of our adventures:
Enjoying a roasted marshmallow (or painting with it, I'm not sure) and cooking with Mama:
Our trip to the beach... a spontaneous adventure that was a blast! McKinley loved the sand, the sea and the creatures we saw.
Camping/Hiking at Silver Falls... wore one of us out! This was a fun trip with the whole extended Hamm/Rohrback family. We wanted to fit two camping trips in, but just flat ran out of time. McKinley had a ball with her cousins.
Daddy and daughter, I think reading before bed:
Enjoying a chocolate cupcake at the park for a friends birthday:
Our trip to Lake Tahoe to see Jeff's grandmother. McKinley had a great time at the pool (of course, I never took my camera) and playing with the stuffed kitten Norma bought for her. It was good to see the gang.
Learning to pose for the camera from cousin Paige... I think she's got it down!
It has been a great summer, but I have to admit... the leaves are turning, and the morning air is crisp and it is really making me excited about Autumn. I love, love, love this time of year!
I am helping at preschool again this year, and have missed it a little over the summer. McKinley gets to hang out with Grandma on Tuesdays while I am gone and they both love it! Other than that, not much else to report...
Hope you are well and that God is blessing you abundantly.